Roberta Alessandrini - Ferrari: Music For Harp [Roberta Alessandrini; Achille Fait; Martino Bortolotti; Marta Sanson; Corrado Ruzza] [Tactus: TC 760602] [Audio CD]

Roberta Alessandrini - Ferrari: Music For Harp [Roberta Alessandrini; Achille Fait; Martino Bortolotti; Marta Sanson; Corrado Ruzza] [Tactus: TC 760602] [Audio CD]
Roberta Alessandrini - Ferrari: Music For Harp [Roberta Alessandrini; Achille Fait; Martino Bortolotti; Marta Sanson; Corrado Ruzza] [Tactus: TC 760602] [Audio CD]
Roberta Alessandrini - Ferrari: Music For Harp [Roberta Alessandrini; Achille Fait; Martino Bortolotti; Marta Sanson; Corrado Ruzza] [Tactus: TC 760602] [Audio CD]

Roberta Alessandrini - Ferrari: Music For Harp [Roberta Alessandrini; Achille Fait; Martino Bortolotti; Marta Sanson; Corrado Ruzza] [Tactus: TC 760602] [Audio CD]

通常価格 ¥2,700
  • 日本への無料配達
  • 返品無料
  • 安全な支払い
  • 在庫僅少 - {{ カウント }} アイテムは残りわずかです。
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BARCODE: 8007194106763
Giacomo Gotifredo Ferrari (Rovereto 1763 London 1842) was an Italian composer and theoretician. He was the son of a wealthy cloth merchant of Rovereto who at first had destined him for carrying on the family business; but since a very early age he showed a great talent and facility for music. After his fathers death in 1784, Ferrari decided to pursue a musicians career, and from that time onwards his life was spent travelling a great deal and staying in the major European courts. In this recording dedicated to the unusual harp and piano ensemble, Roberta Alessandrini and Corrado Ruzza reveal a musical cross\-section typical of the aristocratic salons of the late classicism, characterized by a pleasant and elegant style. The pieces are also completed by other instruments such as the hunting horns and the tambourine, whose parts could be played by occasional guests who were added to the private performances of these compositions.



スタンダード - ¥500 - ¥5,000以上お買い上げの場合は無料 - 発送後10-14営業日以内に配達されます。追跡不可。







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