Confessions of a Shopaholic

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Prezzo regolare €5,95
  • Possibilità di consegna completamente tracciata a partire da 4,99 €. Gli ordini inferiori a 150 € sono coperti da IOSS e includono l'IVA.
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Tassa inclusa. Spedizione calcolata alla cassa.

BARCODE: 8717418200657
Stills from Confessions of a Shopaholic (Click for larger image) It’s way past time that Isla Fisher bagged herself a leading role, after solid supporting turns in the likes of Wedding Crashers and Definitely, Maybe and finally, in Confessions Of A Shopaholic, the ex-soap star gets her chance. She seizes it quite well, too. Based on the Sophie Kinsella book of the same name, Confessions Of A Shopaholic is a fairly conventional romantic comedy, but it’s still a very enjoyable one. It’s directed by PJ Hogan, who previously gave us the excellent double bill of Muriel’s Wedding and My Best Friend’s Wedding, and it follows Fisher’s character Rebecca as she tries to cover up her dedication to shopping, while yearning for a job on a fashion magazine. The plot goes through the fairly standard shenanigans of the genre, but there are one or two things that lift Confessions Of A Shopaholic above the norm. Firstly, it’s breezy and very good fun. Secondly, PJ Hogan knows this genre better than most, and fashions (no pun intended) a quite tight movie. And thirdly there’s Fisher. It may not be a role that makes her an outright movie star, but there’s compelling evidence here that she’s got the talent to be a leading lady in her own right. This, her first stab at headlining such a film, works really quite well, and her charm and enthusiasm is the best thing in it. Worth taking a look at. –-Jon Foster

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