Stewart Copeland - Police Deranged For Orchestra [VINYL]

Stewart Copeland - Police Deranged For Orchestra [VINYL]

Stewart Copeland - Police Deranged For Orchestra [VINYL]

Prezzo regolare €27,95
  • Possibilità di consegna completamente tracciata a partire da 4,99 €. Gli ordini inferiori a 150 € sono coperti da IOSS e includono l'IVA.
  • Restituzioni gratuite
  • Pagamenti sicuri
  • In magazzino
  • Inventario in arrivo

Tassa inclusa. Spedizione calcolata alla cassa.

BARCODE: 4050538855777

High energy orchestral evening celebrating the work of legendary rock star and composer Stewart Copeland. Following his high impact ?Light Up The Orchestra project celebrating his composition in Film, TV and Video Games, Police Deranged For Orchestra focuses on the epic rise of Stewart’s career in music that has spanned over four decades. Copeland is a unique figure in world music: renowned as the founder of The Police, a band that became a defining force in rock music from the ?‘80s through to the present day; he is also a seasoned and prolific composer in opera, ballet and orchestral music. This concert will be an evening bursting with The Police’s biggest hits including Roxanne, ?Don’t Stand To Close To Me and ?Message in a Bottle sung by a four singers and full symphony orchestra as well as hand-picked highlights from Copeland’s other hits. STEWART COPELAND / POLICE DERANGED FOR ORCHESTRA

Track Listings
Disc: 1
1 Don't Stand So Close To Me (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis)
2 Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis)
3 Message In A Bottle (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis)
4 King of Pain (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis)
5 Demolition Man (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis)
Disc: 2
1 Murder By Numbers (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis)
2 Roxanne (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis)
3 Tea In The Sahara (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis)
4 Can't Stand Losing You / Reggatta De Blanc (feat Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis)
5 Every Breath You Take (Intro)
6 Every Breath You Take (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis)

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